Hero NLOI hires Cindy Veerman as operations manager

NLOI hires Cindy Veerman as operations manager

23 months ago 2 Minute(s) to read

The Netherlands Research Institute (the NLOI) is nearing its tenth year of existence. In order to continue its steady growth, researcher Cindy Veerman BSc has been hired. In addition to her work as a researcher, Cindy will, in consultation with director Jaap Terhenne, take care of contacts with existing and new clients. She will also hold the position of operations manager.

Cindy - who studied Chemistry with a specialization in Crime Science - gained a lot of experience at Efectis Netherlands in the field of fire investigation, fire safety and fire resistance testing. She attended the fire research course and conducted research on the contribution of materials in roof construction to the occurrence of (unexplained and unexpected) smoke gas explosions. This research focused on both the causality between the materials' fumes and explosions and the early recognition of a possible approaching smoke gas explosion. It therefore looks not only at the cause but also at possible preventive measures or signaling of a possible approaching hazard situation. This fits closely with the working method of the NLOI, which is a network organization in which experts in various fields and in varying compositions work together on incidents or damage or on preventing them.

Assisting victims through network of experts
The network now consists of a wide variety of specialists including lawyers, researchers, risk experts and trainers who assist victims in the event of a disaster. The basic principle of the NLOI - 'equality of arms' - is greatly embraced by Cindy Veerman. Cindy: "In my previous positions at both Efectis and CED Forensic, I noticed that in insurance investigations there is no equality in knowledge and skills between victims and professionals. I believe that everyone should have the right to be assisted by their own expert so that they too are well informed about the investigation, what it entails and its consequences. From my previous employers I have been acquainted with the NLOI which I have loved from day one. And now I get the chance to fill in the investigation myself from the side of victims, because the NLOI works uniquely for companies, investigating the direct cause and underlying causes of an incident or damage. In addition, the NLOI works to prevent damages, including by changing culture and behavior."

Taking over core tasks
Director Jaap Terhenne, who is temporarily unavailable due to health reasons, is pleased with Cindy's arrival. Until Jaap returns to work, she will take over a number of his core tasks. Jaap: "More and more companies have realized the necessity of having their own expert. Fortunately, this realization is also slowly penetrating insurers and brokers. I am very happy that we were able to bring Cindy in, because with her commitment we can safeguard the core tasks of the NLOI."
Cindy Veerman can be reached at cindy.veerman@hetnloi.nl and 06-23331725.